Kelp Hairdressing is a specialist cut and colour salon that was established across the road from the iconic Bondi Beach in 1995. We're still going strong.

Our philosophy has always been to manage our client's hair with utmost respect to their personal style. We target the desired look simply and effectively, with a bent towards organics and a naturalistic look. Lifestyle is another factor that we are big on because we are highly aware that maintaining your hairstyle should be simple and fuss free. 

The products we use are all as natural as possible and are only available to professional salons. Everything we use  is paraben and sulphate free, keeping industry best practice in mind to maintain the integrity and condition of your hair. See our products page for details.

Roz Sakrewski is the heart and soul of Kelp. Roz has vast salon experience as well as having freelanced on various theatrical productions, fashion shoots, movies and music industry projects which have left her with a great respect for people's individual styles and needs. An excellent listener, she puts her clients at ease so their salon experience is one to be enjoyed and the results are beyond their expectations.